National Health Insurance Administration Co. (NatHealth) was founded with the main objective as third part Administration Company, to administer health insurance policies and corporate self funded, health plans and other employee benefits. Professional NatHealth's ability to provide professional consultation services involves creation and improvement of existing healthcare programs and health insurance systems for its clients within the private and public sector.
In line with the company policy towards improving the performance and skills of its employees, attaining customers' satisfaction and for the implementation of a total quality management program it has been decided that:
NatHealth management will be responsible for establishing and maintaining superior quality standards for its services towards improving its quality assurance system with goal of optimizing performance & reducing wasted efforts. NatHealth is committed to the requirements that will guarantee the preservation of the efficiency of quality, complaint and customer satisfaction systems and conduct the continuous improvement procedures that will guarantee systems sustainability and the confidentiality and security of the circulated information.
Policy Statement
National Health Insurance Administration Company is committed towards securing the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of information for the day-to-day business operations. The security of information and other assets is therefore regarded as fundamental for the successful business operation The security of information and other assets is therefore regarded as fundamental for the successful business operation of National Health Insurance Administration Company.
This high-level information security policy is a key component of National Health Insurance Administration Company's overall information security management framework and should be considered along with National Health Insurance Administration Company's specific and more detailed information security policies, procedures, standards & guidelines.
Adherence to this policy will help to protect data/ information of National Health Insurance Administration Company and its customers from information security threats, whether internal or external, deliberate or accidental. It is recognized that detailed policies and procedures will be required and National Health Insurance Administration Company is committed to implementing these in full.